I know we haven’t been around here a lot lately, but life is a bit crazy at the moment. We will try to share a piece of our minds with you all more often. However, we think that an update would be nice.
We are 4 chapters away from the end of La Forja de la ProfecĂa, which means that the first draft should be ready by the end of this month (latest). This plan (schedule) should give us some time to advance a lot in our new series during NaNoWriMo. This will also be the time when some people will get the Spanish version and the chance to send us their comments.
Hope this is some light at the end of the tunnel for you all, as much as it is for us.
Next week we will meet in Paris and update you all on our progress. For now, I will give you the statistics for the draft as of today:
Words: 63,206
Pages: 262
Lines: 6,288
Paragraphs: 790
Characters: 358,604
Non spaces: 298,186